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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

Hey there!
of the year

What Went Well, What Went Wrong, and the Challenges in my Business This Year

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Every year I like to go through the whole year month by month and look at what worked and what didn’t. I also spend some time reflecting on all that happened before I set goals for the new year. This time of reflection feels vital, both to celebrate wins well and also to solve problems and avoid mistakes in the future. 

So, I’m taking some of my typical reflecting time and sharing it with you guys on this podcast episode! I get truly vulnerable about what worked and what didn’t in my business this year - the struggles I had, the goals I hit, the goals I didn’t, and what I want to improve on in 2020. 

I hope that hearing a recap of my year gives insights into your own business. And, maybe you can learn from my mistakes! So, turn up the volume, this is a super fun episode! 


Subscribe & download the episode to your device:  Apple Podcasts  |  Spotify  |   YouTube  |  iHeartRadio

In this episode you’ll hear:

  • My biggest highlights from the year — both personal and business 
  • 2 BIG challenges I faced in my design business with client projects and my solution for 2020 
  • The breakdown of where all of my revenue came from this year and why you should know this for your business 
  • The wins from my month working remotely in Colorado 
  • Why I ended all recurring clients in 2019, and why it was really hard 
  • 3 big growing pains I experienced in 2019
  • How more public speaking this year was both a win and a challenge

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And, what goes with a recap? A couple of photos, of course!

Here are some of my favorites from 2019 memories!


Get the guide that I used to plan out my 2019 with a business friend! This Google Doc lays out all the questions we asked each other to plan our year.

Recapping 2019 -What Went Well, What Went Wrong, and the Challenges in my Business This Year

December 10, 2019

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Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links used on this blog are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission when you purchase after clicking my link or using my coupon code. This does not cost you anything extra, in fact, it usually saves you money! I only recommend brands that I have used myself and believe in. 

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gabby podcast kit

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listen to the podcast!

I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

Hey there!
of the year


Let's be friends, yo.