As the title of this episode says, and as I’ve talked about a few times on this podcast, I work part-time hours in my business (typically 15-25 in a week right now), and my business brings in multiple five-figures each month in profits. I don’t think my business hours will be this way forever. However, as a new mama, I WANT to work less to have more time with my son. And, being able to run a successful business part-time is important for me at least right now while my husband and I don’t have outside help for childcare.
So, in this episode, I am sharing HOW I built my business to work this way, and how you can work towards this too. I’m getting super practical with 5 specific ways of exactly how I’m doing this.
Maybe you only have part-time hours to work in your business because you’re a stay-at-home mom or maybe you work another part-time job, or maybe this caught your eye simply because you would like to work less! Whatever the reason, I think these tips (and seeing how I’m doing things) will help you build a successful business working the amount that you desire for this season of your life. (Again, seasons change, and each SEASON of business brings new and different things!) I hope these 5 things I’m sharing encourage you and get your mind spinning with ideas for growing your business!
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Preview of this episode:
I’m sharing 2 of the 5 tips here! Listen to the full episode to hear them all.
1. I have help from amazing contractors and team members!
This might actually be the biggest key in all of the tips I’m sharing with you. I don’t work alone. I have three people who I consider core team members. They are all working in the “inner circle” of my business. They come to team meetings and are in the business day in and day out.
All of these team members are part-time and are in contractor roles. So none of us are pulling 40 hour weeks, and I’m actually working most of all of us.
Outside of the core team, we have eight other contractors we work with weekly, monthly, or semi-regularly. Check out the full episode to hear what those roles are and how we use them in my business.
The overall hours of work being put into my business is not the 20ish hours a week I’m working. It is more than that, just not all from me. Interestingly enough, it isn’t too much more than 40 hours a week total most weeks because my team is not overworking either.
Having help is something that will allow you to work less. It also allows you to hone in on your “zone of genius” and do the things only you can do in your business.
I feel so passionate about this, and really do believe that help is one of the things that helped me grow my business the way I have. Once I started hiring, it all made sense and now I wouldn't want to do it any other way!
I truly believe a key to my success has been hiring excellent people and learning how to delegate and lead them to the best of my ability.
SPOILER! I’m working on my next course where I’m teaching everything about building teams from the group up! Anything from deciding what you need help with to job postings and interviewing people, team meetings, onboarding, leadership, delegating, deciding on pay offers, and so much more. I’m also sharing behind-the-scenes things from team meetings in my business to a real job interview, and more! [Join the course waitlist here!]

2. I have a scalable products business model!
I can’t talk about working less and having a business with over a million dollars in sales without talking about my business model.
My business has not always been this way, but for the last couple of years, the majority of my revenue has come from scalable efforts. This means I’ve made something once and can keep selling it over and over again versus doing one on one work.
Thinking this sounds like passive income? [Check out episode #129 for more on the difference between passive and scalable income.]
I do still work with clients one on one to stay sharp, but the majority of my business is scalable income. This business model sets you up to work fewer hours because it’s not all about “more hours equals more money”.
For most people, I don’t recommend starting with this business model. Depending on your background and what you are doing, it might make more sense to start with client work, then make products later if you want to.
Starting with services will help your products later be BETTER because you actually know what people need and want and you have likely built an audience and a desire for the product. Either way, this is a key for me, and one I’m grateful for, proud of, and excited to continue to grow in this way.
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