Visualization Techniques And Mindset Tactics To Create A Success In Your Business

Learn 5 tips to use visualization techniques and mindset tactics to create a success in your business with Elizabeth McCravy on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast.

published on: July 7, 2020 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

My goal for this episode is that it will inspire you to believe in yourself, see what’s possible for your business, and give you some practical tools to create the business of your dreams. We’re talking about visualization techniques, mindset, goal setting, future self, and so much more! 

Before I get into the topic, you’ll hear me struggle through talking about how my wonderful dad just recently passed away. I stumble through everything I say on the audio, as you can imagine the grieving process is weird and this is the first episode I’m recording since his passing away. I just wanted to note that this won’t be the last time I talk about this, but I wanted this to be the first thing I recorded since stepping back into the office because this topic is something my dad suggested I do an episode about. When I was interviewed on James Wedmore’s Podcast (episode #368), I talk about visualization and how it’s played a role in my business. My dad listened to that interview not once, but twice, and encouraged me to do a full episode on that piece of the conversation. I am missing my dad SO much as I type this, but I also feel a peace knowing that he is with the Lord in heaven. I appreciate your prayers and loving messages during this time. I’ve read every single one. Please keep praying for us during this strange time, and even though I felt a bit “off” as I recorded this, I hope you get something beautiful from the content in this episode! 


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“Visualization is daydreaming with a purpose.” — Bo Bennett

How Visualization Works:

1. It gives you clarity. When you actually know what you want, it’s easier to go get it. 

Visualization sparks desire and keeps you focused and attentive to what you want to happen. 

This goes back to the simple concept of goal setting. If you have no goal, there’s no direction. Having something you’re working towards, gives you both direction and clarity. This connects you to your future self. 


2. It prepares your mind for an action before the action happens. 

This helps with fears around big things because you’ve already done it in your mind. 

The brain doesn’t differentiate between a real memory and an imagined one. This is one of many reasons why visualization is so big in the sports world. 

In Phil Mickelson’s recent interview on The Ed Mylett Show, he says “The difference between the #1 guy and the 50th guy on tour a lot of it has to do with his ability to visualize and see shots before it happens. A lot of people have the ability to execute the shot, but if you can’t see the shot you’re trying to execute, you’ll never be able to hit it. The people that see the clearest, that visualize the clearest, rise to the top.” 

This is the perfect example of what we are talking about here!


3. Our brain aligns our life to fit our beliefs.  

We find evidence all around us based on our beliefs and what we see in our minds. Our brain aligns our LIFE to fit our BELIEFS. Not the other way around. If you believe that you’re not capable of doing certain things, then you’ll find evidence of that everywhere. 

If you believe you’re capable, you’ll find that evidence. 


“Your mind gravitates towards what it’s most familiar with. So if your mind is most familiar with the best shot, the perfectly executed meeting, etc. then you gravitate in that direction. If it’s obsessed with the fear, the failure or something vague, it moves that way”

– Ed Mylett   


If you believe it’s going to be really hard, your brain will go to work to prove that right. 

If your brain believes it’s possible for you (whatever the desire is), it’ll go to work to prove that true. 

The results we focus on come to fruition in our actual reality. We notice things differently when we’ve visualized them first. 

Visualization is not some magical thing. But it doesn't change your state of mind which causes you to take different actions. It makes you more intentional about your circumstances.

5 Visualization Techniques I Use to Create Success: 

1. Writing down crazy goals and dreams with specifics as if they have happened already. 

During my spring launch for my sales funnel kits, I wrote and scheduled an Instagram post when I was writing my content. I wrote in the post that it was my biggest launch yet. I wrote it BEFORE the launch week happened; BEFORE I knew for certain that it would be my “biggest launch yet”.

Tune in to the full episode to hear some fun examples of situations very similar to this from other Demi Levato and Jim Carrey. You won’t want to miss these!

A simpler version of this would be writing a really big goal with SPECIFICS as if it had already happened. An example would be instead of saying “My goal is to have a six-figure a year business” say “By the end of 2020, I have made $300,000 in my business revenue.”  

This gives your mind clarity on what you’re working towards and it prepares your mind for action. 

2. A journal prompt I love. 

“I am ready to welcome ______ into the world.” 

I love this particular prompt of declaring what you’re “ready to welcome” and that can be phrased in different ways. Maybe it’s “ready to serve”, “ready to create”, “ready to do.” Try this prompt out though maybe even as a longer form journal practice. 

Scroll back to Episode 23 and you can hear about my favorite daily journal prompts. You can also download a freebie with all of them here! 

3. I go on visualization walks with myself. 

This is a visualization technique for me. About once a week at the least I go on a visualization walk. These are rarely planned, they just happen.

Basically, I decide to go on a short walk or walk around the track at our gym after a workout. 

I am planning to listen to a podcast. But pretty quickly into the podcast, I am daydreaming. So I turn off the podcast, but leave my headphones in and just walk and think and visualize. 

If you think that sounds really weird, that’s fine! This is just one that really works for me. You could do this while laying down with your eyes closed. I like the movement and my brain works better when I’m pacing! I tend to like to move a lot. 

Tune in to the full episode to hear some specific examples of when I have done this!

4. I make decisions from my future self. 

Here’s a question for you. If anything were possible for you right now, what would you want to do in the rest of 2020? 

Now you have your BIG crazy thing to visualize. These next questions are important. What does that version of you do? How do they act? What do they believe about themselves and their business? 

Show up for yourself and make decisions as the person who already did the big thing. 

When you really identify how that version of you thinks and acts, you can start to deliberately show up as that person now. Which is really taking the visualization into major action. 

Show up for yourself and make decisions as the person who already did the big thing. -Elizabeth McCravy

5. I tell someone the big crazy goal. 

This goes back to number one really BUT tell someone the big dream and hope you have. It doesn’t have to be all your twitter followers, but maybe it’s a business friend, people in a group coaching program with you, or your spouse. 

I think that just like writing things is powerful, speaking them is too. I have people who I tell my business financial goals to. Even the crazy ones! I think the power in telling someone is that it makes a crazy dream sound less crazy and come back to earth a bit. In your head, it might sound bizarre and outlandish. But when you say it to someone who loves you, they believe in you too and it’s not so crazy anymore. 

I hope you try on some of these visualization techniques and really start to see your future self accomplishing those crazy goals! 

Learn 5 tips to use visualization techniques and mindset tactics to create a success in your business with Elizabeth McCravy on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast.

Explore more Blog Posts by category:  Journaling, Mindset, Personal, Podcast, Productivity and Automation

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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

My superpower? Helping you shine online and build a brand that turns heads. How do I do it?

With drop-dead gorgeous, strategy-packed website templates, the ultimate (seriously, ask our students) business course for designers and podcasters, and a podcast that’s equal parts insightful and relatable.

Oh, and a treasure trove of biz resources you’ll wish you’d found sooner. I’m living my dream job—one I built from scratch—and I’m here to help you build yours too!

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