How can you start with a website template and make it your own? Make it FEEL super customized, without making it an actual “custom website”? There is a way, and I see people do it weekly over here with my EM Shop customers! In this short and sweet episode, I’m sharing 4 ways (and one bonus way) to make any website template not feel like it’s a website template. You don’t have to get a custom website designed in order to have a totally gorgeous, successful website for your business. These template customization tips, strategies, and things to consider while shopping will get you started on the HOW!
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Preview: 2 of the 4 tips
Tune in to the full episode to hear the other 2 template customization tips!
1. Start with a high-quality template!
This might seem like an annoying template customization tip, but it’s so true. No matter what software you use for your website, the template design and the structure matters so much.
Wondering why? Let me tell you!
You want a template that functions as a template and is not TOO specific to one client. If it’s too specific and feels too custom then you will struggle to customize it. But, you want it to look and feel custom at the same time.
As a template creator, I truly see this as a balance. I do things on custom sites that I wouldn’t do on a template because I want YOU to be able to customize it with ease. But, at the same time, I do not want my templates to look and feel like a template.
Templates have gotten a bad rap over custom design for a reason. They were thought of as being boring, difficult to edit and make unique, and pretty cookie-cutter. My goal is to not have boring, templates but also make them simple enough that you can customize them for your business with ease.
See what I mean for yourself!

2. Invest in brand photography.
My next template customization tip is to do yourself a favor and make sure you have good brand photos! Even just ONE photo shoot where you have gorgeous, intentional images that you can use in your marketing and on your website can completely change the look of a template.
If you look at my templates, you’ll notice that they have really nice images in them. I work with photographers and source their professional images to use as fillers until you put your own images in!
I always test that the template can still stand WITHOUT the images, so I want to make sure that if you take the gorgeous images out and replace them with more generic stock photography it’ll still work great. And they DO!
However, great images that are custom to you are going to completely change the look of your website template. Investing in brand photography goes so far beyond just your website. You can use these images all over social media and they help you look more professional as a business owner.
Tune in to the full episode to hear my tips for how to make sure you get images that are great for your WEBSITE!
BONUS Template Customization Tip:
**Hire a designer to help customize it.
To go really custom on a template, but still avoid the price tag and the time commitment of a completely custom website, designer customization will be your friend!
This is where you hire a designer to take the template you purchased and work with you to customize it. They can add in your photos, change up the fonts and color palette, customize some of the layouts to suit your business needs.
Many designers offer this as a 1-2 week package or even a single day intensive. If you have another designer’s hands on the template, regardless of if they designed it, you’ll be able to easily make it even more custom!
There you have it! This is 2 (plus a bonus) of the 4 tips for making template customization even more unique to you. Be sure to check out the full episode for that rest!
Episodes Mentioned:
#15 | How To Prepare For An Incredible Personal Brand Photoshoot
#16 | 10 Questions You’re Asking About Personal Brand Photo Shoots
Links Mentioned:
Listen to the Breakthrough Brand Podcast
Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram
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