How to Get Amazing Brand Photos for Your Business (+ EM Shop Template Feedback!) with Amber Tice

How to get amazing brand photos for your business with brand photographer, Amber Tice on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast with Elizabeth McCravy.

published on: June 1, 2021 

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Reading Time: 6 minutes

Get ready to feel camera-confident and prepared for your next branding photoshoot after you hear this episode! I’m chatting with Dallas Fort-Worth area brand photographer, Amber Tice, all about how you can get brand photos for your business from start to finish. From finding a brand photographer to outfits and props! 

Plus, Amber and I also discuss her website in the second half of this interview! She’s an EM Shop customer and uses the much-loved Nicole template. We talk about how she chose the template, what the setup process was like, how the feedback has been, and more! Amber gives some great tips for making your template unique to you and successfully setting it up! Plus, we talk about the transition from Squarespace to Showit, which is super interesting for those of you thinking about switching! 


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Meet Amber!

Amber is a brand photographer for the ambitious female entrepreneur based in the Dallas Fort-Worth area. She is a mom to 2 children and started her business officially in 2017. She started by taking anything she could get from family shoots to maternity and kids shoots. 

Amber says she slowly started to figure out what she liked and didn’t like. She knew she liked branding so she pivoted over to products and commercial branding. But something was still missions there. She felt like she loved personal branding the most.

See brand photographer, Amber Tice's modern Showit website from EM Shop.
How to get amazing brand photos for your business with brand photographer, Amber Tice on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast with Elizabeth McCravy.

She says there is just something about helping fellow female entrepreneurs grow and market their business with impactful brand imagery that really made her heart sing and is truly why she does what she does.

Amber’s tips for planning and preparing for a brand photoshoot:

Do your research on finding a photographer who specializes in brand photography (not just a portrait photographer, or your family photographer)

Amber says to look at their portfolio, get on a call with them, see what their process is like and how they can help you and your brand. You shouldn’t have to go through the entire process of preparing for your session alone OR feel like this is some giant task that will make you feel overwhelmed. That’s the upside to hiring a photographer who specializes in brand photography, they should be able to walk you through the entire process and assist in bringing your brand vision to life.

Brand photography is different than just taking headshots or portraits. The key to brand photography is you want to invite your viewer in so they can see what you do, how you do it, what you do it for, and most importantly why.  You want to walk you through the whole entire process and give them the bigger picture so they can visualize hiring you for whatever your specialty is.

Where do I find a brand photographer in my area?

Amber suggests if you are looking for a brand photographer to check Instagram in your area but also Google. She makes a note that you don’t have to limit yourself to the area you live in because a lot of brand photographers will travel. She says it is great to find someone you are interested in and just chat with them!

The key to brand photography is you want to invite your viewer in so they can see what you do, how you do it, and most importantly why. - Amber Tice

Create a vision board on Pinterest

Amber says that creating a vision board on Pinterest for your brand photos is a quick and easy way to spot any patterns in backdrops, poses, style, and aesthetics that you are drawn to and get your wheels turning on a vision for your brand shoot. This is not for copying purposes. Make sure to share this with your photographer! 

Gather all the props

When gathering your props for your brand photos you want to include items that will add interest to your images without taking away from the main subject (which typically is you, the business owner). Also, look at items that go hand in hand with your brand aesthetic. 

Amber says to think of what you do in your business and how you can show that. A lot of her clients do work in the digital and online space, but she encourages them to think of ways that can turn online things into visual props. Try to bring as much of a visual aspect to your brand story as you can.

Take the time to get your hair and makeup done

Ask your photographer for recommendations on a hair and makeup artist or personal stylist. You can even ask if they offer an add-on wardrobe assistance to help you with choosing your outfits for your brand photos.

It is important to take into consideration your backdrop. This is similar to choosing props but you don’t want to wear something that will take away from the main objective of the brand shoot. The point with wardrobe and props is always to add and elevate the images not distract.

Amber says that even if you don’t like to wear a lot of makeup on a regular basis, having your hair and makeup done by a pro for your brand photoshoot will reflect so much better on camera than doing it yourself. It can still look beautiful and natural even if it doesn’t feel like your “normal” because of how it shows on camera. She also recommends getting your nails done beforehand! 

The point with wardrobe and props is always to add and elevate the images not distract. - Amber Tice

How do I get great photos when I don’t like being on camber?

  • Find a brand photographer haha- finding the right photographer who can help you feel prepared and relaxed is half the battle. 
  • Try on your outfits prior to your session! if you don’t feel comfortable or confident in it then do NOT wear it, because it will show on camera.
  • Practice facial expressions in the mirror prior to your session.
  • Try not to stress about posing or the session. Your photographer will pose you and help you feel relaxed during the shoot. Ask your photographer to see the back of the camera during your session because it encourages you and provides instant client feedback.
  • The first 10-15 minutes will feel a little awkward until you and your photographer get into a groove and that’s totally natural!
  • Wear your most relaxed outfit first and save your favorites until you get comfortable
  • If you are shooting in a public place, choose a time and day that isn’t as busy.


Listen to the full episode to hear Amber talk through outfit ideas that do and don’t work for brand photos and how that reflects in your sessions.

Amber is an EM Shop customer!

I actually have a whole customer showcase on Amber’s site because I love it so much! If you want to see more about her site, check out this post!

I did ask Amber some questions about her customization and this is what she said...

What were you looking for and how did you ultimately choose the Nicole template?

Amber tells me that she had tried a few different templates prior to purchasing the Nicole Template from EM Shop and always had this feeling that they didn’t fully represent herself or her brand. 

“When I was initially looking on your site at templates, the Nicole template caught my eye because it was already geared towards brand photography. Not being a web designer or copywriter, having a site that had a good foundation for my niche was a game-changer. In addition, I loved the bonus sections I could use to further personalize the template and have the option to add on sections to my site as my business grows.”

What was the setup process like for you? How quickly did you go? Any learning curves or notable things that helped? 

Amber says even though she switched to Showit from Squarespace originally, she had already been working with another Showit template before purchasing from EM Shop. Already having knowledge of using Showit helped her a little but overall she said her setup process was super easy.

“I loved all the help and info you provided when I purchased the template. It really helped answer questions I had and make what can seem like a big task more manageable.”

See this modern Showit template customization by Amber Tice using the Nicole template from EM Shop.

What tips would you give to someone feeling stuck on setting up their template?

Amber has knowing your brand is a great place to start! If you already know this going into setting up your site, it will make the process go a lot smoother with less second-guessing. 

She also says that if you don’t have brand photos done prior to setting up your site, that is HIGHLY recommended. This will help keep your site cohesive and on brand.

If there is something you don’t love, change it! And the last tip Amber gives is to outsource if you truly don’t have time to do it yourself. There are plenty of capable people who can help you and you don’t have to do everything alone. 

For more tips on customizing your website template faster, check out episode #81!

Say hello to Amber Tice and her beautiful, modern Showit template from EM Shop!

What advice would you give to someone who is thinking about an EM Shop template? 

This is what Amber says to anyone considering purchasing an EM Shop template, “Just do it! Seriously, it was one of the best purchases I made for my business and if you have questions just ask! I asked Elizabeth a few questions on the template options before purchasing and I’m so glad I did. It helped answer any questions I had about making such an important decision for my business.”


Hear more from Amber’s experience using her Nicole template here in her full customer showcase post!

How to get amazing brand photos for your business with brand photographer, Amber Tice on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast with Elizabeth McCravy.

Explore more Blog Posts by category:  Branding, Podcast, Showit Website Templates

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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

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