3 Simple Ways To Drive MORE Organic Traffic To Your Website

Why I changed my perspective on beta testing my new course and how it sold out in an hour with Elizabeth McCravy.

published on: November 23, 2021 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

You asked, I’m delivering! I keep hearing that you all want podcast content around SEO and how to get more organic website traffic! That’s what this episode is all about. I am sharing some ways I specifically drive organic traffic in my business. These 3 things work for me, and they can work for you as well. I think through exploring these “SEO hacks”, it’ll give you a better understanding of SEO — especially if you’re someone who feels like SEO is “too over your head”. It might be a lot simpler than you’re thinking! 


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1. Link to your own website in lots of other places and get others to as well!

Make your own backlinks happen! This is very simple, but often missed by people as a means for increasing their SEO power! By linking to your website and people actually clicking on it, you are telling Google “this is important”! It is a vote of confidence for your content, which helps Google show you to more people and results in more organic website traffic.

We get spammy requests for paid backlinks daily in our inbox, and this is not the way I would recommend getting more references to your site. It is worth noting that not all backlinks are created equal. A spammy site backlink could hurt you, while a backlink from a site with a high SEO score can help you a ton. 

Instead of pitching people for paid backlinks, you have some other options!

  • If you have a podcast or YouTube channel, link back to your site in the show notes.
  • Link to your site on stories on Facebook and Instagram often. 
  • Write posts with links to your blogs and service pages on Facebook. 
  • [For website designers] always link back to your own website as in the site credit.
  • When you go on podcasts or write guest blogs, ask them to link back to your site. This could even be a specific page on your site. 
  • Be featured as a success story for programs you are in or things you buy. 

2. Optimize the heading tags on your website.

This might not completely change your SEO game and bring you to the first page of searches, but it matters. This is a little tweak that makes a huge difference and is easy to overlook. 

If you were to work with someone to optimize the SEO on your website, this might be the first step they would do to try and drive organic website traffic to your site. And the great news is that you can also do it for yourself.

Every piece of text on your website has a tag associated with it. These are H1, H2, H3, (H is for heading) paragraph, and navigation. You can easily see these setting options if you are using Showit. 

Using heading tags properly tells Google what your content is about, which will help it be shown to the right people who are searching for that thing. Heading tags used to matter more than they do now, but they do still matter. 

Here are some specific things to make sure you’re doing on your site:

  • No more than 1 H1 tag per page. H1 is the “highest heading” on the page, so it should only happen one time. This tag tells Google what the page is about. 
  • Make sure you are using H2, H3, and paragraph headings with hierarchy. So, a paragraph lives within those headings. H2 comes before H3, etc. 

If you want to quickly look at your heading tags on your website, you can download the free Google Chrome plugin Header Checker which will show you the tags for any text you select on any website.

3. Blog and update your website frequently.

This might seem obvious, but if you want organic website traffic, blogging is the simplest way to help your website rank. By being a content creator, you are doing a few things:

  • Giving yourself many opportunities to rank with all the different content pieces you’re creating. 
  • Telling Google that your website isn’t STATIC. It’s updated and has a lot of different content happening. Blogging helps with this the most because there is only so much you are going to change frequently to a page like your contact page or home page anyway. But with blogging, you are creating change on your site every time you blog. 
  • Blog posts are going to rank better than other pages on your site because people search for solutions to problems. 

Blogging doesn’t need to be the biggest decision of your life. You don’t have to commit to every week or month. Just start. When you have a content idea that you think you could blog about or a problem you know an answer to,  jot it in your phone as an idea for later then do something with it. 

If you already are creating content on another platform like Youtube or a podcast, this content IS your blog content. Just turn that information into a post! 

That’s it for this one! Cheers to improving our SEO and getting more organic website traffic with these simple, strategic, and amazing tweaks. SEO can feel really complicated but it doesn’t have to be! I hope these help you have some clarity on what can help you strategically improve your website. 

If you want more ways to boost your SEO and have a really good-looking website, look no further than EM Shop templates. These will help you boost your SEO because of the way they’re strategically structured. Plus, they’re beautiful and easy to use too! 

Hear 3 ways to drive people to your website through organic traffic on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast.

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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

My superpower? Helping you shine online and build a brand that turns heads. How do I do it?

With drop-dead gorgeous, strategy-packed website templates, the ultimate (seriously, ask our students) business course for designers and podcasters, and a podcast that’s equal parts insightful and relatable.

Oh, and a treasure trove of biz resources you’ll wish you’d found sooner. I’m living my dream job—one I built from scratch—and I’m here to help you build yours too!

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