Business Growth is NOT Linear: Lessons From Starting a Business Young, Growing it as a Mom, and Learning to Trust God

Get a behind-the-scenes look into the early days of growing my business as a young entrepreneur in this fun interview on the BEYOND Podcast.

published on: May 7, 2024 

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Reading Time: 5 minutes

Today, I have a special episode in store! This is an interview I did with Becky Hoschek on her podcast Beyond, which is a show for moms called to business. Becky and I have known each other for ages because she was actually one of my first template customers and then I was one of her first life coaching clients. She also has done mindset coaching inside of Booked Out Designer before for my students inside the program! I loved this interview about business growth so much, that I knew I wanted to share it with you all. 

We talk about motherhood and business stuff a lot, although we talk about plenty of other things as well if that doesn't interest you. We covered things like:

  • How I make money online
  • The time I felt like throwing in the towel (despite business growth)
  • How I merge having a more systems-related brain and a creative brain
  • Being okay with failure
  • Mom life and work schedules 
  • How my faith impacts my business 

And honestly - so much more. As you tune in, this episode originally aired at the end of 2023 so I shared about having only one child and being pregnant at the time. It was also before I had my course Podcast Success Blueprint which is why it’s not mentioned in the episode. 

If you love this episode, stay tuned. Becky will be back on the podcast in a few short weeks where I'm interviewing her! Now, let’s get into it.


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4 Takeaways to Add to Your Notebook:

There is so much gold in this episode that it’s DEFINITELY worth the listen, but here are three quick takeaways to give you a little teaser (and something to add to your notebook).

You Don’t Need to Have An Offer For Everyone

In this interview, I share how one of the recent “failures” in my business was closing my membership. I share 8 lessons here, but one of the biggest lessons is that you don’t have to have an offer for everyone. There are a lot of people who will tell you that you need to have an offer for everyone and you don’t. You don’t need to have an ascension suite or something for every person in your audience at every stage to buy. You don’t need to fill every gap.

While the membership closing might be considered a “failure”, the truth is that most people who are successful are going to experience things that don’t go perfectly. One question I like to ask myself is: is there a way I can win from trying even if it fails?

Read More: Why I Closed My 170-Member Paid Membership (+ My 3 Biggest Membership Mistakes!)

Share Your Vision With Your Team

I like to think of this as “being in it for the long haul” with them. It can be so easy to see a graphic they made, for example, and just quickly “fix it” so it’s more to your liking, to give an example. But that’s not a good long-term solution. Instead, tell them what they need to change and let them do it. Or if you really want to change it yourself, I'll do something like recording a loom and saying like, “Hey, this is great, but this is the stuff I'm changing so you know”.

I think sometimes as a solopreneur/contractor situation, it can feel like it’s mostly you. But I think it’s really important to “cast a vision” and share that with your team. Most of the time, they care more than you think and it helps put everyone on the same page and give them direction.

When you tune in: In this interview, Becky asked me about the Profit Sheet I created and we laughed at the idea that I’m a creative who likes spreadsheets and systems. I definitely bridge the right brain and the left brain side of myself.

Read More: How To Host A Team Vision Meeting To Kick Off The Year (Or Quarter!)


Your Business Growth Will Go Through Seasons (With Your Life!)

So right now (at the time this was recorded), I'm in a growth season, but right before that I was in a maintenance season. Then, right before that, I was in a rest season where I took a five-month maternity leave when my son was born. And right before that I was in a growth season (hustling during that pregnancy creating Booked Out Designer).

So I’ve definitely had different seasons but right now I've gotten into a good work pace and a good childcare situation to where it has been like, okay, I have a good vision for my business. I'm focused on these things that I'm focused on, but also, as I'm anticipating having another baby, I'm going to be heading into a rest and then a maintenance season and then a growth season again. So it feels like it'll kind of have that same ebb and flow, which is so helpful to think about so that I’m not feeling the pressure of being in the same season as someone else and seeing what they're doing.

In some ways, I'm grateful to know business without having a child and having a business with because I feel like I have so much more empathy for women who are starting their businesses and having kids already. I thought I was productive before, but I feel like I'm more productive now. But also, I'm less productive in some ways. My mind is more split between things. Sometimes when I have childcare I do things around the house I wouldn’t usually get to do when taking care of my son. 

I also feel like in terms of values, I value time away from work more than ever because before work and life were so connected. I feel like I value the time spent with Colin more, and feel like I have more goals to work less and be like: how can I be more intentional with my time to work fewer hours than before? How can I spend more time not working at home?

You Don’t Need to Run a Ministry Style Business to Talk About Being a Christian

I think that a lot of people who are Christian business owners get in the mindset that if you're not doing one of those things, then you shouldn't talk about your faith because you're not targeting “only Christians” and things like that. I guess my perspective is like God's called me to this work and I truly believe that, and I also think that as Christians, we all are called to minister to people, not just people who are literal ministers and our businesses are a great way to do that.

Then also when I think about other ways of integrating faith that are not as direct, I try to show up ethically as a business owner and also showing, it sounds so cheesy, but showing God's love to people through providing a really great customer experience, serving people well, and being a brand you can trust. Praying for customers and clients has always been a big thing for me.

Read more: 4 Ways to Bring God into Your Business as a Christian Business Owner


Links Mentioned:

Check Out Becky’s Podcast Beyond

Shop our Showit Website Templates (use code BBPODCAST for 10% off!)

Join me inside Booked Out Designer

Sign up for the Podcast Success Blueprint!

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Explore more Blog Posts by category:  Business, Faith, Marketing, Motherhood, Podcast

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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

My superpower? Helping you shine online and build a brand that turns heads. How do I do it?

With drop-dead gorgeous, strategy-packed website templates, the ultimate (seriously, ask our students) business course for designers and podcasters, and a podcast that’s equal parts insightful and relatable.

Oh, and a treasure trove of biz resources you’ll wish you’d found sooner. I’m living my dream job—one I built from scratch—and I’m here to help you build yours too!

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