Today we’ve got a podcast about podcasting. How meta! Maybe you listen to this show, and sometimes think “Hey! I’d like to do that. Teach me how to record a podcast!”. Or, maybe you have your own podcast, YouTube channel, or another type of content yourself. If you’ve ever been curious about what it’s like behind-the-scenes of one of my episodes, then this episode is for you. I’m giving you an inside look into the recording process from the starting ideas to the saved and exported file.
Even if you have no desire to start a podcast, I want to encourage you to tune into this episode because much of what I’m sharing applies to ALL forms of content creation from podcasts to blog posts and in between.
Search for episode 70!
I released 2 new website templates to my shop! And, guess what? One of them is made for podcasters! I’ve found having webpages and a blog dedicated to this show extremely valuable. You asked, I listened, and now you can have a podcast website like mine! In the new Podcast Kit template, you’ll find a podcast landing page, media kit, guest information, and more! This is a website that you can use solo or add to your already existing Showit website. There are a couple of variations so that you can get exactly what you need.
Plus, the new Jena Template matches this podcast template, so you can actually purchase both together and get a giant 17-page template with all the podcasting pages and all the normal website pages I typically offer in a template. It’s the BIGGEST template I’ve offered yet.
I want to encourage you if you’re not a podcaster, see what you can take away for any type of content creation. Even writing blog posts is going to feel similar to this!

Steps to creating a podcast episode:
1. Choose an idea
The first step to recording a podcast is choosing the topic you will talk about for that episode. I like to keep a rolling list of ideas for episodes. I have a document in Google Drive with ideas that I am ALWAYS adding too. I also have tons of notes on my phone with ideas. Sometimes ideas will randomly strike me that I think will be good to teach on later and I never want to lose them. I will type it all into my phone while pacing around my house just to get it out of my brain! But it all starts with an idea!
2. Outline the episode
For every episode, I create an outline on Google Drive. My outlines tend to be a mix of full sentences and partial sentences. Typically starting with a list is really helpful. You’ve probably noticed I tend to do list-based episodes versus big ideas! I do this because I prefer that style for solo business content. It seems to be easier to follow.
The outline is mostly for me to reference when I record a podcast episode but also our podcast manager uses the outline later in the process as well. Outlines are essential for keeping me on track! I don’t do this for interviews but for solo episodes an outline is key!
3. Record the episode
When the outline is done, then it’s time to record! Sometimes I like to record right after doing the outline, and other times I like to sit with the idea longer and revisit it before recording. If the topic is an idea I’ve been thinking about for a while, I usually record it immediately. If I’m talking about a newer concept, I will usually wait and add more to the outline later before recording.
Where do I record these episodes, you might be wondering? In my office! Nope, not in a closet like many podcasters. Our neighborhood is pretty quiet and the microphone I use doesn’t pick up much background noise, which helps!
In addition to this microphone, I also use my Apple headphones because I like to hear myself when I record a podcast episode. I recently heard Tracy Goodwin on James Wedmore’s podcast say that you tend to have more enthusiasm when speaking when you can actually hear yourself. Then you are so much more engaging than if you speak with no emotion in your voice. (PS this episode aired right after my interview on James Wendmore’s podcast. If you haven’t heard it, you should!)
For solo episodes, I record my podcast audio in GarageBand. Nothing fancy! And there’s a lot that happens post-production! My podcast editor edits out any mistakes I make or breaks, coughs, jumbled words, whatever! She adds music and introduction too. It’s not my favorite thing to listen to myself talk so I love having the weekly help with it!
For even more podcasting tips, head to episode 70 of the Breakthrough Brand Podcast!