Baby McCravy is a …. BOY! We could not be more thrilled. And, finding out the gender has been so much fun. It seriously has made everything feel “real”! Now that we know we’re having a baby boy, we can start shopping for the nursery, picking out names, and all of that good stuff. Excited to share how we found out, all about our gender reveal party, and photos from our super fun gender reveal maternity shoot! [Linking everything up at the bottom of the post!]

If you’ve followed along with me on Instagram or on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast, then you know that I *thought* we were having a girl. Why did I think that? I honestly don’t know… felt like intuition. And perhaps a part of me thought having a girl sounded “easier” based on my personality and background. I’m a bit of a girly girl, grew up with a sister in a single mom household, and I built a business now that primarily serves women. All of that led me to feel more “comfortable” with the idea of a baby girl. Now that we know it’s a boy though, I literally *cannot imagine* it being any other way. And, it’s like a flip switched, and I totally see myself as a Boy Mom now! I’m excited and can’t wait to meet our son.

We decided we wanted to find out the gender privately at one of our favorite restaurants after the ultrasound! So, during our anatomy scan ultrasound on April 5th, we asked to not be told the gender during the appointment. The appointment went great! Baby was ACTIVE and moving so much, which was fun. And, our ultrasound technician gave us an envelope with the gender in it to open later. After the appointment, we spent the next 3 hours “working” at a coffee shop near our dinner spot. It was SO hard to focus! All I wanted to do was hurry along to dinner so we could open the envelope!
During that waiting time, I asked you guys on Instagram what you thought Baby McCravy would be, and the resounding answer was GIRL. No shame — that’s what I thought too! I guess we’re all shocked. At dinner, once our drinks arrived, Adam opened the envelope, and we saw “It’s a BOY!”. Shocked, excited… all the feels! It was a really special dinner, and the whole restaurant staff was excited alongside us to find out the gender! (By the way, we ate at Folk in East Nashville. Highly recommend!)

Cake is by Grace A. Bakes in Nashville. Highly recommend! Get our “Oh Baby!” cake topper here on Amazon.

After everything got so real knowing the gender, we decided we wanted to throw a gender reveal party with some friends. We hadn’t been planning to do that, but we were just so excited and it felt like telling everyone together would be especially fun! So, we started texting everyone about that Friday night. I ordered the cutest (and most delicious) custom gender reveal cake from Grace A. Bakes. We got Moes catering. And, lots of margaritas and drinks for our friends! Seriously, could not have been more thrilled with how the party went. For us, getting all of our family together for a party felt challenging for a lot of reasons (one being that everyone lives all over the place), so we had "ruled out" a party originally. If you are in a similar situation, I can’t recommend just doing a gender reveal party with your friends enough. We felt so celebrated, and are also getting to celebrate with our sweet family members… just not as a group!

Next up, we did a gender reveal photoshoot at the lovely Marcella Vivrette Smith Park in Brentwood, TN. We worked with Alli Campbell Photography, who is an EM Shop Showit template customer. Woot woot! And, we love how the images turned out. Here are a few favorites from the photoshoot.

My Outfits from the Maternity Session :
Gender Reveal Photoshoot Items:
See all maternity and motherhood blog posts and podcasts here. Get all of my favorite products used in my first trimester here and from my second trimester here!
Cake by Grace A Bakes; Maternity session images by Alli Campbell Photography
And, just for fun... here's that IG post where everyone guessed the gender! Very few correct guesses!