I’m answering your questions today, and we’re covering everything from budgeting in your business to online haters, exercising, indecision, and so much more. These are questions listeners sent in from a survey and on social media. You might even hear your name in this episode!
I get really real on this one, and I hope what I’m sharing helps encourage you to grow your business boldly! If you want to hear the previous “Ask Me Anything” episode, scroll back to episode #41!
Search for episode 75!

Tune in to hear the answers to your questions!
Here are the questions that we are covering:
- How do you budget best when your income is inconsistent?
- Do you ever get hateful messages online? How do you handle them?
- What do you do for workouts?
- Do you find it hard to have the one Instagram account for your personal and business use? Do you find it limiting in how much personal stuff you can share? How did your friends and family respond when you shared more business-related things?
- How do you market yourself well if you’re introverted, especially on Instagram stories?
- Have you ever had to discontinue a client relationship in the middle of a project?
- Is your husband an entrepreneur too? What does he do for work?
- What do you do when you get stuck on a project or on making a decision about your business?
I love answering your questions and sharing what I have done in my life and business to help get me where I am; things that worked and things that didn’t! I hope these answers encourage you to grow your business and not be afraid of it. If you have more questions, keep sending them to me!