Let’s play 20 questions — design business style… again! This is PART TWO of 20 questions for all my designer friends! If you missed part one, go back and listen to the first 10 questions that I answered!
In my waitlist survey for my program Booked Out Designer, there was a spot to “ask me anything”, and the waitlist designers sent some amazing questions in. There were over 100 people who filled out this survey, and the questions asked heavily influenced the content of this course! But, I'm not saving it all for the course, I want to tackle some of the top questions asked NOW on the podcast.
Designers, you’ll definitely want to listen to this episode! For those of you who aren’t designers (still LOVE you!), you’ll also enjoy this for tons of tips about running a service-based business.
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Episode Preview
I’m answering 3 out of the 10 questions in part two here! To hear all of the questions and answers, tune in to the full episode. Also, if you missed part 1, make sure to check that one out too!
1. What is an absolute must have system for your business?
An absolute must have for my design business is a start to finish system for your main services with the exact steps that need to be done.
For example, if you’re a brand designer, then you want a system to onboard the client, get homework, kick off the project, do your work for the project, get feedback, launch it, and close the project. There are a lot of steps involved! But that is why it is so important to have that system written down and available to reference so that you don’t forget anything important.
A software system that I think is a must have, especially for service based businesses is a CRM. I have used Dubsado for years and LOVE IT. This is so hugely important and helps you automate a lot of things and create systems.
Use code elizabeth30 to get 30% off of your Dubsado membership!
2. What would you tell your younger business owner self that you wish you knew now?
If I could chat with my younger self, I would tell her, “No one cares about your age as much as you think they do!”
I was so concerned with my age when I started my design business, and it was NOT necessary. Looking back, I didn’t believe in myself very much and that was the root of the issue.
I always felt too young and inexperienced and was worried every single person around me was thinking “who does she think she is?!”
In reality, I think very few people thought that. Now, years later when I see young designers I never think anything about their age!

3. Why do you choose ShowIt over the other web platforms?
I have gotten a lot of questions about this and had some people ask, “Should I really switch from Squarespace to Showit? I've spent so much time, energy, and money learning Squarespace but almost every single time I see a really imaginative and gorgeous site its Showit.”
As soon as I discovered Showit, I was in love. I used WordPress prior, but I also had designed a Squarespace site in college for my sorority. Also, I designed my wedding website on Squarespace when I got married and my portfolio was on there too when I was a student trying to get jobs post-grad. I had a class on WordPress in college, so I had explored them all!
My opinion...
You can build a successful website design business using ANY website platform. I love Showit, and it is perfect for the clients I work with and my design goals. This is KEY!
If my main audience were e-commerce businesses, I would not use Showit. I would use Shopify. For the many life coaches and business coaches I’ve worked with, I would never suggest Shopify to them because Showit fits their needs better.
If Squarespace is your jam, then that’s awesome! There will always be clients who are right for Squarespace and love it! The same goes for WordPress, Kajabi, Wix, any of them.
Only you know if you need to switch platforms, and I think the best thing to do is explore them all and create a free trial and see what resonates with you and who you want to work with!
Want to try Showit for yourself? Get a free trial + 10% off your subscription here!
Tune in to the full episode to hear all of part two of the 20 questions podcast episode. Also, check out part-one if you missed it! I love getting to answer your questions and tell parts of my design business journey! I love this so much that I have created Booked Out Designer, a course for designers to teach you everything I know about taking your design business from burnt out to booked out with dream clients!
Have more questions about WHY Showit? Find more info here:
Top 6 Reasons Why Showit Is The Right Platform For Your Website
Why I Created Showit Website Templates
Showit Vs. Squarespace (Which One Is Right For Me?)
Get 10% Off Your Showit Subscription
Episodes Mentioned:
Episode #31 | Squarespace Vs. Showit
Episode #32 | WordPress Vs. Showit
Episode #33 | Wix Vs. Showit
Episode #74 | How To Write Personality-Packed Copy That Entertains AND Sells With Brittany McBean
Episode #80 | 5 Secrets For Using Dubsado To Attract And Book More Ideal Design Clients
Links Mentioned:
Listen to the Breakthrough Brand Podcast
Listen to the full episode to hear all 10 questions and answers about how I build my successful design business. Scroll to episode #106 wherever you listen to podcasts or click the buttons below to listen on Apple Podcasts or Spotify now!