My 5 Biggest Takeaways from the Business Boutique 2017 Nashville Event

published on: November 7, 2017 

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Last week, I got to attend Christy Wright’s Business Boutique event in Nashville as a VIP! The event was so much fun. I met some of my favorite entrepreneurs, soaked up valuable business education, and hung out with a lot of lovely business ladies!

These are my 5 biggest takeaways from the event:

1. Put Some YOU in Your Content

- Patt Flynn, Smart Passive Income

What you have that no one else has is YOU. Be human in your content, especially on your about page. Although it’s not about you, it’s about your customers… your customers still want to know about you. Don’t be afraid to share your weird quirky characteristics that set you apart.

2. Sometimes the message you’re encouraging others with is the one you need to hear the most.

- Christy Wright, Business Boutique

On the final day of the conference, we did a really interesting activity. We wrote a letter to another woman in the room. We weren’t told anything about her or her business, just that we were supposed to write a letter of encouragement. When it came time to give our letters away, Christy had us write our own names at the top of the letter and read it as a message to ourselves. Reading the letter that I had written, BUT as a message to myself was so impactful. I realized that I’m often quick to encourage and pray for others in their businesses in a way I don’t do for myself. This is a letter I’ll treasure for years to come!


  3. “People don’t buy the best products/services they buy the ones they can understand the fastest.”

- Donald Miller, StoryBrand

We should see every piece of content we share with our potential customers as 8-pound bowling balls. If we give them too much information, they drop the balls. To apply this to your website, your messaging should be CLEAR and SIMPLE. If you confuse, you’ll lose. This is especially hard because as a business owner, we are so close to your products and offerings that we can’t possibly be confused by it. But, we need to remember that our target customer is coming to our website with a different knowledge set.


4. Don’t “propose marriage” on the first marketing interaction.

- Molly Pittman, Digital Marketer

In dating, you don’t ask someone to marry you on day one, so why in marketing do we so often try to make a sale on that VERY FIRST interaction? This rarely works. Spend time with your audience, invest in them, serve them, and show that you care. Then you will end up happily ever after! Social media, blogging, podcasts, and videos are all great ways to do this digitally! You've got to earn the right to be heard with your marketing message.


5. Impossible is where God begins.

- Christy Wright, Business Boutique

I’ve heard Christy talk about this idea before on her podcast, but it was even more impactful in person. Christy spoke on the importance of dreaming REALLY big - even when it feels silly or scary. She said: “Your dream should be so big that if God’s not in it, you’ll fail.” When it comes to dreaming big in your business, fear isn’t a sign you’re doing something bad. It’s a sign you’re doing something BOLD.



Those were my top 5 favorite things I learned at Business Boutique, but there was SO much more I soaked up than this! My favorite part was all the incredible like-minded women I got to hang out with!

If you’ve attended a Business Boutique event before? Tell me, what were your biggest takeaways?


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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

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