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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

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How to Get Powerful Testimonials for Your Service Business (What to Ask & How to Ask It!)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I would argue that testimonials are one of the most POWERFUL marketing tools for your business. We live in a world that runs on reviews, and positive feedback from someone else (even if we don’t personally know them) can make a HUGE difference in whether or not we buy something. And, let’s be real, your past customers aren’t going to just send you a testimonial just because. They’ve got their own life and stuff going on! So, you’ve got to ask them and ASK THEM WELL.

In this episode, I’m teaching you exactly how I ask my clients for testimonials.  We dive into what to say, how to say it, and some dos and don’ts along the way. I’ve been asking for testimonials this way for about 2 years now, and it totally works!

So, if you’re ready to have raving reviews for your business, this episode is FOR YOU. Get excited to have some clear strategies to implement today!


Subscribe & download the episode to your device:  Apple Podcasts  |  Spotify  |   YouTube  |  iHeartRadio

Episode Highlights:

  • 3 reasons why testimonials are game changer for your business
  • Why you should never just email your past client “asking for a testimonial”
  • How to create an easy system to ask for feedback
  • Exact questions you should be asking your past clients in order to get answers you’ll actually want to share
  • REAL reviews from some of my clients as examples of how powerful reviews can be when you do good work and ask good questions
  • The most important question style you should be asking
  • How to get clients to put the review on other spots like Facebook, Wedding Wire, Google, etc.
  • How to ask for construction criticism and actually utilize it for your own good
  • Why getting permission to use a review matters

Stay tuned next week for even more content on testimonials!

How to Get Powerful Testimonials
The do's and don'ts of getting testimonials! How to Get POWERFUL Testimonials for Your Service Based Business - I’m teaching you exactly how I ask my clients for testimonials.  We dive into what to say, how to say it, and some dos and don’ts along the way. (Breakthrough Brand Podcast)

June 25, 2019

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Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links used on this blog are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission when you purchase after clicking my link or using my coupon code. This does not cost you anything extra, in fact, it usually saves you money! I only recommend brands that I have used myself and believe in. 

  1. Brenda says:

    Just LOVED this. I love the way you have streamlined everything and made it so easy for the client to respond. I’m wondering, how do you phrase the words in the email that you send with the form and what do you call the form when you refer to it? Thx!

    • elizabeth mccravy says:

      Yay! I’m so happy it was helpful, Brenda! I call it a “feedback form” in Dubsado. I usually tell them that as our project comes to a close, I’d love to get their feedback on how things went! I also link to some old blog posts with past client interviews as examples to them. Basically, I just ask them to answer the questions in the form and then the form gives them more info about what’s going on! 🙂 Hope that’s helpful! There’s also another newer podcast episode where I talk about how to use the testimonials in your marketing that will be helpful too!

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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

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