If I told you right now “Hey, you should do a live on social media this week, show your face on stories, or make a video about your service!”, does that scare you? If you’re like most online entrepreneurs it does! Video marketing can be intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. Video is a key way to connect more with your audience and make a bigger impact on your business. It just takes some learning and practice! That’s where my guest today comes in!
Friends, meet Patricia Kelikani. She is an Emmy award-winning filmmaker and video coach who shows entrepreneurs how to make more money in their business with video. So, if you’re ready to learn how to film yourself like a pro and create magnetic video content, turn up the volume and tune in!
Search for episode 78!
When and where to use video content?
Patricia gives us some really great ideas for where to start with video, especially if you are new to seeing your face on the screen. She says to start with Instagram stories because there is so much grace there and not the need for perfectionism and a majorly produced piece. You can also reply to DMs with video and that personal touch will really be appreciated.
Then once you get a little bit more comfortable, move into “How To” videos. These are so valuable and easy to give your audience a quick win! You can share these in various video marketing opportunities and on so many different platforms since they can easily be repurposed.
Another great use of video is on your website. Using video to welcome potential customers who land on your homepage is a really great touch and they feel like they know you instantly.
Tips to increasing confidence on video:
1. Know what to wear.
Patricia tells us that a great way to know what to wear to feel as confident as possible in your video marketing is to know your color season. Don’t know what that means? That’s okay! Your color season is a pallet of colors associated with one of the weather seasons (spring, summer, fall, or winter) that looks best on you. You can find out your color season here.
She also tells us to go ahead and wear your statement jewelry if you want to! It doesn’t have to be really simple. She gives us a tip to stay away from pieces that might need to be adjusted constantly.
Listen to the full episode to hear Particia walks us through exactly how to choose your best colors and fit for your camera ready wardrobe!

2. Use CRUISE technique.
Patricia tells us that one of the best tips for increasing confidence in your video marketing is to use what she calls the CRUISE technique. This is an acronym that stands for:
- Cheerleader - Imagine the camera is your best “cheerleader” friend.
- Rehearse - Practice! Remember, you can push “record” and never show it to anyone.
- Unmask - Be your authentic self. Pretend that only your best friends are going to see this video.
- Ignite - Show passion about what you’re talking about with excitement and energy.
- Stylize - Do what makes you feel more confident whether it’s putting on makeup, curling your hair, etc.
- Embrace - No one likes the sound of their voice or loves seeing themselves on video at first but embrace who you are!
Tips for preparing to film your video (fancy camera OR phone)
Patricia tells us that it doesn’t matter as much WHAT kind of camera you use to shoot your video marketing pieces, but what does matter is that you plan FIRST!
She uses a process called the MAP method to help her think through her messaging, artistry, and promotion before she ever hits record. Once you have all 3 of these pieces, you can have a Lucrative Video, which is a video that increases your income and impact.
How to use the MAP method:
You want to make sure you know your message. Write down your goals for this video. What call-to-action are you wanting to make sure people hear when they watch this video? A call to action is SO IMPORTANT! Patricia says that a video without a call to action is like meeting your soulmate but not giving him your phone number. You want to make sure that your call to action goes along with your goal for the video.
Think about your artistry and where you are going to film and possibly edit. Pick your location and declutter your background. Patricia reminds us that we don’t need an “Instagramable house” or a ton of gear to shoot pretty videos. She says to pick a corner or a wall in a room and infuse it with visuals that are related to your brand or business.
It is super important to make sure your phone or camera is stable. Patricia and I both love this tripod and you can add a phone mount to the top to make sure your footage is as clear as possible.
The next key to the artistry of creating captivating videos for your video marketing is lighting. Lighting is the thing that makes you look great or makes you look terrible! When you are just starting out with video, you don’t have to invest in a ton of equipment. You can sit in front of a window! If you do want to buy lights, keep in mind that the bigger the light, the more flattering it will be. Go for the bigger light! You could choose a ring light or softboxes.
The next important thing to consider in the artistry of your videos is your audio. Patricia says that if you can use an external microphone like this one, that is going to give you the best results! You can record in loud places and your audio will still come out really clear.

Before sitting down to film your video, while you are still in the planning stage you want to think about where and how you are going to get your ideal client to watch your video. It doesn’t matter if you have a ton of views on your videos if your viewers aren’t turning into customers.
Patricia tells us that her favorite place to put videos is YouTube. When you optimize your videos and publish them here, they can be found easier because YouTube is a search engine. Optimization also tells YouTube what your video is about so your videos can show in suggested content and on the home page and have a much larger opportunity to be seen.
Adding your video to your blog is also great for SEO, so don’t skip this step! You also want to share your video with your audience wherever you can.
In addition to these ideas, you can also repurpose your video marketing content. It takes time to make a video and you have this great product with a call to action, so use it in multiple ways! Listen to the full episode to hear Patricia give some great examples of how to do this!

Meet Patricia!
Emmy Award winner Patricia Kelikani has helped companies double and even triple their revenue with video. Known for her fun and simple teaching techniques, she shows entrepreneurs how to make more money in their business with video.