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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

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of the year

What I’ve Learned From Building a Successful Six-Figure Business in the Last 4 Years

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My official 4 year business anniversary just passed. 4 YEARS — It feels both longer than that and shorter than that. When I realized this anniversary was coming up, I knew I wanted to record an episode reflecting on big things I’ve learned that YOU can learn from too. I’m just sharing 3 things, and I haven’t talked about any of them on this podcast before.


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Starting a business can be really subtle. My business anniversary in the sense of when I made it “official” with a name and with a website was March 29th, 2016. But, starting my business felt much slower and more subtle than that. In reality, it’s closer to 4½  years since I started the process of starting my business. If you’ve listened to episode 1 of my podcast, then you know I worked in a corporate advertising setting for my first “real job” out of college. And, then I quit after like 3 months. I felt both excited about the possibilities ahead and crazy for leaving something that looked so good on paper. During college and while at my first job, I freelanced a lot. So naturally, once I left my job, I kept freelancing. While on the job search, I added in nannying, yoga, and dog sitting. All the random things! At some point in all of that, I decided to quit job searching and make my freelancing stuff into an actual business. Again, it all feels so subtle! It’s really a process, not a moment. 

But, the social media post I did on Instagram and Facebook to my friends and family announcing I was now “in business” happened 4 years ago. See below for a major throwback — this is the Instagram post from my original business announcement! Things have come a long way! (And my business had a completely different name and mission back then.) Fun fact: I booked a branding project on the day I announced my business launch! 

Instagram post announcing Elizabeth McCravy's business launch.

Tune into episode #60 of the Breakthrough Brand Podcast to hear 3 pieces of advice I have for you. These are things I’ve learned over these last 4 years building a six-figure a year website design business. Plus, you’ll get to hear an audio clip from an event I spoke at in 2018! I hope the content in this episode will encourage you in your business! 

Learn 3 amazing tips from 4 years in business and growing an successful six-figure business with Elizabeth McCravy on the Breakthrough Brand Podcast.

March 31, 2020

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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

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of the year


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