My official 4 year business anniversary just passed. 4 YEARS — It feels both longer than that and shorter than that. When I realized this anniversary was coming up, I knew I wanted to record an episode reflecting on big things I’ve learned that YOU can learn from too. I’m just sharing 3 things, and I haven’t talked about any of them on this podcast before.
Search for episode 60!
Starting a business can be really subtle. My business anniversary in the sense of when I made it “official” with a name and with a website was March 29th, 2016. But, starting my business felt much slower and more subtle than that. In reality, it’s closer to 4½ years since I started the process of starting my business. If you’ve listened to episode 1 of my podcast, then you know I worked in a corporate advertising setting for my first “real job” out of college. And, then I quit after like 3 months. I felt both excited about the possibilities ahead and crazy for leaving something that looked so good on paper. During college and while at my first job, I freelanced a lot. So naturally, once I left my job, I kept freelancing. While on the job search, I added in nannying, yoga, and dog sitting. All the random things! At some point in all of that, I decided to quit job searching and make my freelancing stuff into an actual business. Again, it all feels so subtle! It’s really a process, not a moment.
But, the social media post I did on Instagram and Facebook to my friends and family announcing I was now “in business” happened 4 years ago. See below for a major throwback — this is the Instagram post from my original business announcement! Things have come a long way! (And my business had a completely different name and mission back then.) Fun fact: I booked a branding project on the day I announced my business launch!

Tune into episode #60 of the Breakthrough Brand Podcast to hear 3 pieces of advice I have for you. These are things I’ve learned over these last 4 years building a six-figure a year website design business. Plus, you’ll get to hear an audio clip from an event I spoke at in 2018! I hope the content in this episode will encourage you in your business!