3 Advanced Podcasting Tips That Will Boost Your Downloads, Save You Time, and Make More Money

before your first podcast episode

These advanced podcasting strategies are what I’ve used to grow my show’s audience and earn a real income from my podcast!

published on: January 29, 2024 

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Today, I’m sharing three advanced podcasting tips - one for show growth, one for boosting efficiency, and one for making money for your podcast. Sounds pretty good right? It was SO hard to narrow it down to just one tip from each category because I really do have SO many that I share inside Podcast Success Blueprint (which the doors are officially open to, if you’re reading this in real time, until February 2nd!).

If podcasting is one of your goals for 2024, or you already have a show that you want advanced podcasting tips for growing your show (and seeing real results from it), this is the course for you



The truth is that this course became far more advanced and extensive than I had originally planned. I don't hold back when I'm teaching. Podcast Success Blueprint ended up becoming a true “A to Z” of starting, running, and scaling a successful podcast. It is a nine module course with over 75 total lessons in it. It’s definitely not your average podcast course. 

From what I've seen out there, there are so many podcast courses literally just focusing on getting your show launched and then they leave you hanging after that. This isn’t that. Podcast Success Blueprint is designed to teach you how to really scale to make money from your show. 


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1. Growth Tip: Write SEO-Friendly Episode Titles 

Great episode titles help you get found by cold audiences, meaning people aren’t familiar with you or your podcast yet, because they get in front of people who are searching for things related to your episode topic somewhere like Apple, Spotify or Google. 

By writing really amazing titles (and putting effort and energy into this), you get to rank and then they can download your episode, listen, and then KEEP LISTENING to future episodes after they love the one they first found!

This is actually a big way I have personally grown my podcast. I’m big into SEO on my website, as you know, but I’m also into podcast SEO.

3 advanced podcasting tips for making your podcast titles SEO friendly

1. Say what the episode is about and why people need it

I know that seems obvious, but I see this mistake all the time on podcasts that I love and listen to regularly. Too often titles fall flat because it’s just WHAT and not WHY it matters. So take your podcast titles a step further with a why

2. Group keywords together

To explain this one, if my search term I’m hoping to rank for is “Showit Website Templates” and the title concept is “Showit website template hacks” then I want to group those words together. 

To see this in action, a title like “5 Hacks to Make Customizing Your Showit Website Template Easier” is perfect. Whereas, “Showit Hacks for Customizing Your Website Template” is less ideal because we’re breaking up the key phrase we want to be found for.

3. Come up with more than one title idea!

Typically, your first title is not going to be the best one. So for me, I will have what I call my “working title” that's basically what I know the episode's going to be about. For example, I have a working title for this exact episode I'm recording right now, but I'm going to stretch my brain to try to come up with a different title and just see if there is anything better that we could use besides this first one. 

There’s a lesson inside Podcast Success Blueprint that’s about 15 minutes long where we go DEEP into crafting show titles where people can’t help but listen. There’s also a lesson on writing strategic show notes to rank for SEO and really engage your audience well. You know I’m passionate about SEO and it really is a great way to help your show grow.

Read More: 3 Easy Hacks to Grow Your Show With Podcast Guest

podcast strategies for advanced podcasters

2. Efficiency Tip: Create a Shared iCloud Folder With Your Podcast Team Where All Your Graphics/Videos Go. 

This one is one of the easier advanced podcasting tips but a true game changer if you have people who work with you on your show. If you don’t have a team, this is still something that I think would be really helpful though!  

Basically, all you need to do is create an iCloud folder that has you and anyone else on your podcast team who might need the graphics and videos from episodes. Make it so you can all access and add to it. Then, whenever the person who makes the graphics for your episodes creates them, they’ll add them to this folder. This makes it so easy when it’s time for you as the host to share about them! 

I should say - this is not the ONLY place you should be storing your graphics. But that’s a whole other conversation. I should note here too — efficiency tips and organizational stuff is a big focus of Podcast Success Blueprint. I am an organization type of gal. I love systems. I love strategy. I love making complex things that are too time consuming become more effective. I’m teaching both quick tips like this one and much BIGGER strategies that will help you completely overhaul the way you run your podcast so that you finally feel on top of things when it comes to the many, many moving parts in running a podcast. 

Personally, my podcast last year was the number one revenue generator in my business (in terms of referring people to buy things from me). It was also the most fun thing, so it felt low stress, and a lot of that is due to really good systems. 

Read More: 3 Podcast Systems I Use to Save Me Time and Energy with my Show

create a shared icloud folder on your phone to promote your podcast

3. Money Making Tip: Create Strategic Outros To Go At The End of Your Episodes That Sell Your Products or Promote Your Freebies

I have about a million money making tips for your podcast (in fact, this module is one of the biggest in the whole course). I teach 16 total ways to make money for your podcast inside Podcast Success Blueprint, covering everything from how to align your launch schedule with your podcast content to how to make money from affiliate marketing on your show (and so much more).

BUT - this final one of the advanced podcasting tips, on creating a few different strategic outros, is an easy one that you need to be doing ASAP. I personally have 2-4 options that I choose and change out depending on what the episode’s topic was. For example, this episode will have an outro promoting Podcast Success Blueprint.

These are pre-recorded, so this strategy is really “set it and forget it”. Now, does everyone listen to the end? NOPE. But engaging those listeners who do go all the way to the end is so worth it and so important! This is not something to skip. Especially because it’s easy. 

Again, this is a small strategy among many strategies that I share in the course about how to make money podcasting. You also get a “make money podcasting” playbook, in addition to the module that goes over everything that serves as a “cheat sheet” so you don’t miss anything! 

Read More: 3 Real Ways to *Actually* Make Money from Your Podcast

Let’s Recap These Three Advanced Podcasting Tips

As I recap these, think about which one you want to try on your podcast. Or, if you are a new podcaster, which one might be a big focus for you as you get rolling. 

  1. Growth Tip: Write SEO-Friendly Episode Titles 
  2. Efficiency Tip: Create a Shared iCloud Folder With Your Team Where All Your Graphics Go 
  3. Money Making Tip: Use Strategic Outros (More Than One!) That Sell Something 

I hope this gives you just a tiny, tiny glimpse into the course (like a half a percent glimpse) that shows you that Podcast Success Blueprint isn't just for beginners. So if you're a beginner, great, I'm going to teach you how to do the “beginner stuff” like getting your show going from the start. But overall, this IS a more advanced course, which I'm really proud of. So if you feel like you've got the basics of podcasting down, but you're not really seeing results from it or it's taking a lot of your time, this course is for you! Even if you've already done another course on podcasting where you learned the basics.

Elizabeth McCravy shares advanced podcast strategies

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    I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

    My superpower? Helping you shine online and build a brand that turns heads. How do I do it?

    With drop-dead gorgeous, strategy-packed website templates, the ultimate (seriously, ask our students) business course for designers and podcasters, and a podcast that’s equal parts insightful and relatable.

    Oh, and a treasure trove of biz resources you’ll wish you’d found sooner. I’m living my dream job—one I built from scratch—and I’m here to help you build yours too!

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