Welcome to a week behind the scenes episode of the Breakthrough Brand Podcast! This is a long one, but it’s gonna be really fun and entertaining. Hopefully, this is a nice break from the super educational and “note-taking” time of content I typically am sharing. We all need something more chill every now and then, right? If you’re a tad nosy like me, then you’ll love hearing what my life actually looks like. I believe that so much of what makes our businesses successful is in what we do in those little moments that no one actually sees (or typically talks about). So, I’m talking about it! I did an episode like this way back in the day on episode 7 of this podcast, and so much has changed since then.
So, this week I’m taking you with me every day. I’m checking in every morning before work and after work hours to tell you what’s happened. You’ll hear me talk about podcast interviews, team meetings, working on client’s website design projects, baking bread randomly for fun, hanging out with friends, how I plan my week, the workouts I do, the courses and content I consume to grow my business, books I’m reading, what my morning routine is like, and so much more.
Search for episode 84!

Here for the links? See below for links to everything I mention by day of the week that it was mentioned in the episode! Enjoy!
- Plan your week on a calendar episode
- Get a discount on Instacart
- Chicken Zucchini Poppers Recipe from One Lovely Life
- Zucchini Turkey Ravioli
- The One Year Book of Hope by Nancy Guthrie
- Kayla Itsines’ BBG Program
- Get on the waitlist for my course for designers!
- Get a discount on your Tailwind subscription
- Listen to Candice Coppola’s interview on the podcast in episode 85!
- Listen to my episode on the Power in Purpose Podcast with Candice Coppola
- Listen to Vanessa Hick’s interview on the podcast!
- Shop Powersheets by Cultivate What Matters
- Shop my Etsy Shop coffee mugs!
- My delicious french bread recipe and a European Bread we also love
- See the photographer showcase on my blog from today!
- Try Kajabi free for 30 days!
- Own Your Life by Sally Clarkson
- Natalie Bacon’s Grow You Membership
- Sometimes I Lie by Alice Feeney
- The Whisper Man by Alex North
- The Wives by Taryn Fisher
- Bunny by Mona Awad
- Hear my interview on the Joy to Lead Podcast with Kaylan Thompson
- Fertility Friday Radio Podcast with Lisa Hendrickson
- Delicious Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe!
P.S. I've been loving our products from Sticker Mule. Did you know that's how I print the awesome stickers that we are sending to our customers as gifts?! Sticker Mule just released 3 new tools, Trace, Upscale, & Redraw to help anyone create high quality, print-ready images. Check them out!