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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

Hey there!
of the year

A Behind the Scenes Look at What I Do in a Week

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this episode, I’m walking you guys DAY BY DAY through a week behind the scenes in my life and business. In the morning, I tell you about my morning routine and what’s on the agenda for the day, and in the evening I recap what happened. I LOVE these types of episodes because there’s so many hidden lessons in someone’s day to day life. And, I hope you can learn something through looking behind the scenes at mine.


We’ll discuss things like my all time favorite coffee recipe, the ins and outs of a design project, what it’s like to go house hunting in the middle of the workday and SO MUCH MORE.  

Listen now:

Subscribe & download the episode to your device:  Apple Podcasts  |  Spotify  |   YouTube  |  iHeartRadio

Episode Highlights:

  • What a typical morning routine is like for me and why I believe a morning routine is vital to success
  • My all-time favorite coffee recipe (it’s gluten-free, paleo, and sugar-free!)
  • My favorite tool for successfully planning busy workdays
  • The no-jitter, affordable pre-workout drink I swear by!
  • What the process is like juggling 3 open design projects at once
  • How house hunting and a Valentine’s Day date fit into my work week
  • What my introverted self likes to always do at least once a week
  • Why I don’t take meetings on Mondays or Fridays


Links and Resources from this Episode:

A Behind the Scenes Look at What I Do in a Week - The Breakthrough Brand Podcast

April 2, 2019

Explore more categories:  Business, Personal, Podcast

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Affiliate Disclaimer: Some of the links used on this blog are affiliate links, which means I earn a small commission when you purchase after clicking my link or using my coupon code. This does not cost you anything extra, in fact, it usually saves you money! I only recommend brands that I have used myself and believe in. 

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I'm Elizabeth, and simply put, I design brands and websites. I mix in marketing strategy, personality galore, and tons of fun to create custom brands, custom websites, and website templates. These designs convert lookers into buyers and take the headache out of the design process. I believe your brand should be a knockout. I'll help you create a captivating + profitable online presence! Join me, won't you?!

Hey there!
of the year


Let's be friends, yo.