4 Signs That It’s TIME for Mentorship in Your Business 

Woman on video chat with other women

published on: June 21, 2022 

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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Does your business need a mentor? I'm talking about a coach, a person in your corner who can help you out and that you can consistently learn from. Let's find out. In this blog, I'm walking you through 4 signs that it is time for a mentor, plus how a business mentorship program can help you achieve solopreneur success. I believe that having a mentor is a HUGE key to business growth and getting unstuck. I hope this will give you some clarity around whether or not a mentor would be helpful.


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1. You're getting input and advice from a ton of places but not taking much action.

Free content is SERIOUSLY the best. I love it and create a lot of it! I love listening to business podcasts and other content, like so many of you guys. Chances are, you listen to quite a few business podcasts and receive tons of free information. You might also buy lots of courses or grab free eBooks all the time. 

Either way, you're getting so many different opinions and voices, which can be super overwhelming, even if every voice adds value. The struggle is that you don't know what to implement, where, and how to make it all work. 

I'm not here to tell you to eliminate all the voices or stop consuming quality content. BUT you need a place to consume AND implement what you're learning with a good mentor as your guide! If finally getting actionable guidance sounds like the perfect solution, a business mentorship program would be perfect! In Breakthrough Brand All Access, the focus is on streamlined learning on the go while still implementing what you learn! 


2. You want to grow your business to the next level. And you feel like you just need more help from someone who has already done it to hit the next big goal in your business.

Whether reaching your next big goal looks like booking your first client or launching your first course, you might feel like you need a little (or a big) boost! 

If, in this stage of your business, you feel like you need:

  • Encouragement.
  • Step-by-step advice from someone who has done it.
  • The ability to ask questions.
  • The secrets to making it all work....

Friend, you're ready for some mentorship! 

A commonly missed key to real growth in your business is getting outside input and advice from a coach instead of looking to yourself, your team, or your free Facebook group! 

In my business mentorship program, Breakthrough Brand All Access, I'm ready to be your coach, mentor, and friend who is a few steps ahead — however, you want to phrase it. Inside, we are going through ALL the parts and stages of running a business together! There will be content for those just starting out and those who are advanced and want to scale even more.

Here's what you should know about me as a coach: I successfully and sustainably grew MY business, right? I was able to provide the finances to start our real estate business and not burn out along the way. BUT, I also know how to give advice and apply things directly to your business!

Whether you've been loving the podcast from day 1 or you've recently binged all the episodes, this membership will be the 'turnt up' version of everything you get from me right now. That means access to me, more pieces of training directly for your business, and a community as well! 

working together as a team to work one day per week

 3. You find yourself with a ton of questions but no one to ask.

If you're regularly full of questions that feel too complicated for google or the free Facebook groups you're in, you need mentorship. You NEED someone to ask those questions to and get honest feedback. You need a space to say, "I know this is kind of complicated, but here's my big question…". 

This is where having a mentor is perfect because you can get your hard questions heard, and they can follow up with their own questions. You can then have a real conversation with them to problem solve and get directive feedback that goes way beyond the free content you're used to. 

This is a HUGE part of my mentorship program. It plays out in a few ways:

1. You can submit a question any time for me to answer in the member content. There's a form for you to submit your questions. I'll respond on our member-only private podcast, where all the training materials live! This is a way for you to get me to teach exactly what you want help with. 

2. You can ask those complicated questions in the membership community. You can post what you need help with and get my feedback and feedback from others in the membership. 

3. You can ask me questions on our group coaching calls where we do back and forth responding and conversation to solve your problems and get you clarity! 

4. You feel burnt out and unsure how to move forward in business.

A mentor will make a difference if you're feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and exhausted by your business. Or maybe you're not burnt out, you're actually excited, but you just feel like you need help from a mentor to take your business to the next level. Mentorship adds clarity while scaling and growing. 



Do you find yourself getting input and advice from a ton of places but not taking as much action as you need to?

Do you want to grow your business to the next level?

Do you have lots of business questions but no one to ask them to?

Are you feeling burnt out like something has to change, and you're unsure what steps to take next?


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I’m Elizabeth – web designer, business educator, podcast host, boy mom, and devoted Jesus-follower.

My superpower? Helping you shine online and build a brand that turns heads. How do I do it?

With drop-dead gorgeous, strategy-packed website templates, the ultimate (seriously, ask our students) business course for designers and podcasters, and a podcast that’s equal parts insightful and relatable.

Oh, and a treasure trove of biz resources you’ll wish you’d found sooner. I’m living my dream job—one I built from scratch—and I’m here to help you build yours too!

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