I’m PREGNANT! And absolutely over the moon. So excited to finally be getting to share all the fun with you guys! If you missed it, on the podcast I recently did a whole episode with my husband Adam recapping the first trimester, how we found out, birth plans, and more… so check that out here. And in this blog post, I want to share alllllll the essentials with you from my 1st trimester. This is a pretty lengthy post. I’m sharing everything from books and courses to foods I’ve enjoyed and other pregnancy must-haves for you as an expecting mama!
[EDIT: I've updated this post since it's original publish date to include MORE links to podcasts, books, courses, and other products that I wish I had known about in my 1st trimester, but actually discovered later in pregnancy.]
Books + Courses
Mama Natural Pregnancy Week by Week Book:
If you only buy one pregnancy book, buy THIS ONE. Adam and I are reading it together. It breaks down what you need to know about pregnancy and birth into an easy to digest, week by week format. The content feels approachable and fun, and there is literally zero shaming involved like some other week by week books I’ve seen. This book is definitely focused on mamas doing natural childbirth, but would benefit anyone I think! I’m also super excited to get these Pregnancy Affirmation Cards, but they are actually included in the Mama Natural Birth course, which I’ll be buying soon too! (You can buy the Mama Natural book at Target here!)
The My Essential Birth Course:
I bought this online course in my 2nd trimester, but wish I had discovered it in my 1st. This course is awesome, and the Pregnancy and Birth Made Easy Podcast by this company is amazing as well!
Dear Baby Prayer Book from Duncan & Stone Paper Co:
This is a week by week pregnancy prayer book with scripture and prompts to pray for your baby each week. This book has guided me to go ahead and start praying for my child’s faith life, their friendships, that they will know Jesus and so much more. Plus, it’s a beautiful keepsake, and you and your spouse can both write in it. Adam and I take turns week to week!
Promptly Pregnancy to 18 Years Old Journal:
This is an amazing keepsake book that I hope to give to my baby someday when they’re all grown up! It starts all the way at pregnancy (just recording details about each trimester) and goes through 18 years of their life. I love all the prompts and there are spots for photos too. If you’re pregnant and starting on the journaling train a little late, this will still work! I am starting this journal at 14 weeks! Shop it on Amazon here!
Ina May Guide to Childbirth Book:
Let me just say… this book is kinda hippie, but not as hippie as everyone says, and I’m loving it. The first half is birth stories (most of which I’ve skipped over), and then the second half is all about natural childbirth. Not sure if I’ll read the whole thing, but I am gaining a lot from what I have read!
The Positive Birth Company — Hypnobirthing Course (Digital Pack):
As soon as I learned about hypnobirthing I was intrigued! No, it’s not giving birth while hypnotized, and it’s not as weird as it may sound. It’s all about getting relaxed and breathing techniques for birth (especially natural births). I’ve really enjoyed the course so far. It’s high quality content, and the teacher’s voice is so soothing to me. If you’re planning a natural birth, I’d recommend this one for sure! Plus, it’s a great price — just $39! Shop it here!
Plan to still do…
Classes at my birth center
Will probably read more books too, and I’ll add those to my 2nd trimester blog post!

Vitamins and Supplements
These are the vitamins/supplements I’m taking full servings of daily during this pregnancy. Consult with your midwife or doctor to figure out exactly what you need, but I have loved these and vetted many different vitamins myself! All vitamins are not created equal!

Garden of Life - Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal:
This is my prenatal vitamin. I like it, it seems to work great! Only downfall is you have to take 3 capsules daily, whereas I know some other brands may just be 1-2 capsules. This is a food-based supplement though so that’s why you have to take more for the same effect. But, seriously, I think it’s great and love all Garden of Life products.
Jarro Formulas Digestive Probiotics:
I’ve been a fan of probiotics forever, but they can be especially good to add in during pregnancy. The Jarro Formulas brand is my favorite, and this is the one I’ve been taking right now! (NOTE: I also used this probiotic throughout my pregnancy - it's formulated FOR pregnancy specifically! Both of them are awesome.)
Nordic Natural’s Prenatal DHA:
DHA for your baby’s brain development! This is the one that came most strongly recommended on podcasts and blogs I read. It has ZERO fishy aftertaste and it’s easy to swallow. I have the strawberry flavor. This is mine from Amazon!
Choline Bitrate Supplement:
My prenatal does not have choline in it, which is super important for your baby! Choline is found in it’s largest quantities in eggs, lean meats, beans, broccoli and dairy. I eat a lot of eggs and dairy, but not a ton of meat, so I have added this in at least 1 a day and 2 on days where I had less foods with choline in them. Here is the supplement I’ve used from Amazon!
Stuff for Mama During All of Pregnancy
Mama shirt from Target:
My sweet girlfriends Tori and Sarah got me a bunch of presents after I told them I was pregnant! My favorite of these gifts was this Mama shirt from Target. I seriously never wanted to take it off! It’s flattering, cozy, and cute! I have a medium for size reference. Shop it here!

Stretch Mark Cream:
Another gift from my girlfriends — Palmer’s Cocoa Butter stretch mark cream! This is the only one I’ve tried, and I haven’t had any stretch marks yet. I can’t really speak to my own experience until the pregnancy is over, but I have 3 friends who all swear by this brand and did not get stretch marks!
Vitamin E Body Oil for Stretch Marks:
I'm obsessed with this Burt's Bees body oil. I rub it on my belly basically every night. I'm adding this edit here to this blog post at the END of my pregnancy. I'm 37 weeks now, and have had no stretch marks.
Nursing Bras (from Amazon):
One of my biggest pregnancy symptoms has definitely been sore boobs. All of my typical sports bras and day to day bras are very uncomfortable. I got this 2-pack of nursing bras on Amazon (wayyyyy before I’ll need it for that) because they were supposed to just be comfortable for pregnancy too! And, they certainly have been! Plus, they are a great price — just $13 - $16 for TWO, depending on your size. I plan to buy some “nicer” ones closer to when the baby comes too, and I’ve heard great things about Kindered Bravely nursing and pumping bras!

Bump Boxes:
My sweet mother-in-law got me the 1st and 2nd trimester Bump Boxes as a gift, and guys these boxes are FUN! You can buy them on Amazon or directly from the Bump Box website. I think these make a great gift for mamas to be!
1st Trimester Box on Amazon and on BumpBox.com
2nd Trimester Box on Amazon and on BumpBox.com
3rd Trimester Box on Amazon and on BumpBox.com
Baltic Born Dresses for maternity shoot:
These dresses — OMG guys, so gorgeous! So, due to the Nashville winter weather, I didn’t get to do the “announcement photoshoot” we had planned. Instead, I used my camera + a tripod to DIY our pictures at home! (See the announcement here!) But, I bought 2 gorgeous Baltic Born dresses that I will definitely be wearing for gender reveal photos or a later on maternity session.
Lydia Mustard Maxi Dress - I have a small
Plus, here are all of their “bump-friendly” dresses to check out!
Also, I love this Amazon bodycon dress! Not wearing it yet because I barely have a bump, but excited to wear it later on in pregnancy. It's easy to dress up or dress down too!
To see my 2nd and 3rd trimester pregnancy photoshoots, click here and here! I got some gorgeous dresses for these from PinkBlush and Pink Lily!
BPA Free Glass Water Bottle from Amazon:
THIS water bottle has been by my side 24/7 during this first trimester. I aim to drink it through 3 times a day. It’s dishwasher safe, BPA free, and glass. Plus, it’s super chic. I got a pack of 2 in white!
Fidus 32 Oz Leak Free, BPA Free Water Bottle from Amazon:
I’ve also been obsessed with this water bottle that my friend Ciarra recently gifted me. It doesn’t leak so you can throw it in your purse on the go. It also holds 32 oz, so more than my glass water bottle. I have loved this one, and love the motivation to drink it all on the side! Ciarra says it was her go-to for her entire pregnancy to make sure she had enough water!
Lactation Cookies (Made for my Friends!):
I had a few close friends all have babies during my first trimester, and I made them these delicious, healthy lactation cookies from Eating Bird Food. And y’all, the cookies are GOOD. I kept a few for myself even! I will definitely be making these when it’s my turn to breastfeed, and maybe even during pregnancy again because they are so yummy and healthy. This is the Brewer’s Yeast I used for the recipe! And, I made it with a “chia egg” instead of a “flax egg”.
Foods and Drinks I Became Obsessed With During 1st Trimester:
Since I haven’t had morning sickness or many aversions , I’ve basically been eating the exact same as I usually do. The only aversions I’ve really had some far are to some green vegetables — specifically broccoli and brussel sprouts. I can seriously not even stand the SMELL of these! Yuck. But, these foods have been higher on my priority list than usual…
Pink Stork Teas and Other Products:
Y’all I love Pink Stork. I love their branding, mission, and products. Before we got pregnant, I was using their Fertility Tea and Fertility Supplement somewhat consistently. I also had the Fertility Sweets but didn’t eat them except a few times. Once I found out I was pregnant, I immediately went back to Pink Stork for MORE. I have loved their morning sickness tea. Again, I never had any real morning sickness, so can’t speak to how well it “works”, but it’s delicious. I also have enjoyed the Energy Tea — it is super low caffeine, so an easy add in! And, I plan to get their bath salt flakes soon too!
Pink Stork Links:
Fertility Bundle on Amazon — Tea, supplement, and chews (I used these products pre-baby.)
Morning Sickness Tea on Amazon — Again, I never had morning sickness, but I love this stuff.
Energy Tea on Amazon — Really low caffeine and delicious
Pink Stork Website — I bought everything on Amazon from them, but they have a ton on their own website too!
Liquid IV Electrolyte Powder:
Since I have not been able to have much caffeine… this has felt like a replacement (mentally at least) for my pre-workout that I miss SO MUCH. I’ve been doing about ½ to ¾ cup of coffee a day, but that is typically it on the caffeine. Liquid IV is delicious, and helps me feel like I’m getting a pre-workout treat! Plus, all the electrolytes are great from when you’re not feeling 100% or if you are a mama who DOES have bad nausea, this should help. I buy them on Liquid IV’s website or here on Amazon!
Natural Vitality Calm Magnesium Drink Powder:
I loved this stuff before I was pregnant and love it still. Every few nights, I mix this into some La Croix before going to bed, and it’s delicious! Helps me relax and the magnesium is great for baby! Get it on Amazon here!

The Ginger People Ginger Chews:
If you listen to my pregnancy announcement podcast, you’ll hear me share that I rarely got nauseous during pregnancy. BUT… the times I did, I loved these candies. If you love Ginger like I do, you’ll enjoy them regardless of if you’re nauseous. They are delicious! *See photos above!
Siggi’s Yogurt:
I’ve been obsessed with Greek yogurt for YEARS… like seriously starting back when it became trendy. During pregnancy, I’ve been gravitating to the full fat Siggi’s yogurts. Siggi’s is an Icelandic yogurt (so different from Greek). It’s super high in protein, low in sugar, and delicious! I top this with some sunflower seeds, Purely Elizabeth Granola, and some peanut butter and fruit and I’m set!
Annie’s Mac and Cheese:
My cravings for carbs and cheese have been big in this first trimester, and I have always loved Annie’s Mac and Cheese, but ESPECIALLY NOW. So, noting that here, haha!
Fre Wine “Brut Champagne” — Alcohol-Removed Wines:
This alcohol-removed wine is perfect for pregnancy (and is pregnancy safe… there is zero alcohol). I’ve had this about 3 times during the 1st trimester, and loved it everytime! It makes you feel like you’re enjoying alcohol alongside others who are, and it works great in mocktails. I’ve also tried the red blend version, and HATED IT! It tasted nothing like red wine to me, haha. But the champagne version could pass for the real thing, and I love it as a special treat! You can buy it on Amazon here, but I’ve been able to find it at my local grocery store.
Other notable mentions include: FairLife Chocolate Milk, Purely Elizabeth Granola, and… CARBS.
Podcasts, Blogs, and Apps I’ve Enjoyed:
As a podcaster and someone who LOVES podcasts, as soon as I found out I was expecting, I started searching for all things pregnancy in podcast-land. These are some specific episodes I found insightful and shows about pregnancy that I’ve enjoyed.
Pregnancy and Birth Made Easy Podcast:
This podcast is seriously the only one you'll need when it comes to learning about pregnancy and birth. It's fun, informative, and has an awesome natural approach. You'll fall in love with the hosts! I ended up purchasing their My Essential Birth Course, and absolutely loved it.
Risen Motherhood Podcast:
Editing to add: This one is more impactful once you're newborn is officially here. BUT MAN, I adore this podcast. Spent so much time listening to it while breastfeeding, on walks, and doing other things around the house in those early days. If you're a Christian, this will encourage you in your faith and motherhood and bring the gospel into #allthethings.
Coffee and Crumbs:
This podcast isn’t being produced anymore, but all the old episodes are on there, and I am OBSESSED. This isn’t about pregnancy specifically, but motherhood in general. It’s funny and informative.
Wellness Mama Episode #76 with Genevieve Howland:
Like I’ve said, I love Genevieve Howland and her Mama Natural blog and book. So basically, any podcast she’s been on, I have now listened to! But I particularly loved this episode on Wellness Mama!
Be Well with Kelly Episode #43 — Managing Your Diet During Pregnancy with Lily Nichols:
Loved this episode on pregnancy nutrition and I’ve listened to a few other podcasts too with Lily Nichols, and she’s awesome!
See all my pregnancy favs that are from Amazon on my Amazon storefront here!
I hope these products bless you in your pregnancy! Have questions? Comment below or send me an Instagram message! If you missed the pregnancy announcement blog/podcast episode click here to check it out! To see ALL pregnancy and motherhood blog content, click here.
My second-trimester product recommendations post is live now! For even more pregnancy product recs, click here to see those!
And, since this blog post was originally published, I've created a lot more pregnancy and birth content that will help you. From trimester recap blog posts, to gender reveal outfit ideas, and more! Click here to see all motherhood content.

*All opinions are my own and I am not a medical professional. This post does contain affiliate links, which means I get a kickback if you purchase through my links. However, I ONLY share products I truly use and love!*
Want more expecting mama content?
- Our gender reveal party and photoshoot recap
- 1st trimester Q&A - doulas, natural childbirth prep, and finding the gender
- Our pregnancy announcement!
- 2nd Trimester Recap (blog and podcast)
- 3rd Trimester Photoshoot at 34 weeks
- What I did to prepare for a maternity leave from my business
- My Postpartum Journey
- My Birth Story
- Our baby boy boho nursery
See all motherhood-related blog posts here!
UPDATE: Baby boy is here! Born September 2nd, 2021. Here are a few photos!