Let’s talk about website strategy in this short and strategy-packed episode! I’m sharing how to communicating to dream clients ON your website exactly why they should work with you over your competitors. All on your website — not even on discovery calls, email communications, etc… but literally just in the messaging and design you put forth online.
Your website is a marketing tool for your business, and no matter what type of business you run… there are some great tips for you within these 4 strategies I’m sharing!
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1. Communicate that it’s easy to work with you.
Working with you should feel easy! If taking the first step in the process to work with you feels hard or confusing, your potential clients will leave and find someone else who will make it easy for them.
Sometimes by trying to show all the brilliant things we can do, we accidentally communicate to our dream clients that working with us is complicated. Just because the work you do is complicated work, doesn’t mean it should be complicated for your clients!
How do you communicating to dream clients that it’s easy to work with you?
1. Your website design. When the design of your website feels overwhelming or confusing to navigate, that reflects poorly on your entire business. It’s a reflection of how it feels to work with you. We want our websites to align in the design that our services and offerings are like too!
2. Literally SAY IT’S EASY. This sounds funny and simple, but it’s true. You can actually use the language, “It’s easy to get started. Here are the first 3 steps” and it will be super helpful!
This is a concept that I picked up from the book Storybrand by Donald Miller and I think it works well. I have used this multiple times on my own website to communicate to my dream clients that working with me isn’t complicated.
3. Don’t list everything about working with you on your service page. Let there be surprises and things that the potential client learns on a discovery call or in your contract or during the project itself. Sometimes we lose the fact that our goal is to SELL the service, and instead, our service page can feel more like a disclaimer ABOUT the service. We don’t want that!

2. Let other people tell potential clients why they should choose you
You might be thinking, “Well, they are on my website though, Elizabeth… How can other people tell?”
An extension of this would be case studies (basically bigger testimonials that might live as entire blog posts) and portfolio work. All of this is letting your work and your past clients speak on your behalf. Which is AMAZING. The proof becomes other people’s experiences and words.
My favorite way to showcase testimonials on websites is with pull quotes and a few sentences underneath. Why? Because then you make sure people are reading the best part and not just skimming or skipping altogether a full paragraph of text.
One thing to note about testimonials is that it is super important to always site the person you are quoting. You can do this in a number of ways from first name and last initial to just business name. Whatever! But keeping that format consistent across all of your web pages is key.

3. Build a personal connection with your dream clients with a personality-packed About page.
Why you over someone else? This is a huge concept you are communicating to dream clients! This can be more about you as an individual, not even as a business necessity. Your potential clients might relate to you more and find a connection with you as a person before you as a brand and therefore want you to be the person they trust to hire.
I love a good about page! I love to share the story of how your business started, your business accomplishments, information about your family, and interests outside of work. Ideally, you are sharing all of these things in smaller bite-sized sections that are easy to consume. This really isn’t a “one large paragraph” type of thing. Your About page is a great place to use icons and images to visually communicate to dream clients who you are and build the know, like, and trust factor with them.
Note that even though we want the About page to be really fun and show off your personality, we still want to shine the best light on you that we possibly can and keep it professional.

4. Show off your expertise - all over your website.
This last one is a HUGE one for communicating to dream clients why they should work with you. Show you’re an expert at your craft. Display your work as much as you can. You may not feel like an expert, but I promise that you know more about your skill than your ideal client does. This is why they need to hire you for help.
By doing a good job of showing that you are an expert at your craft, you can stand out above and beyond the competition that just assumes that the ideal client knows this.
Here are some ways you can show off your expertise:
- Logo bars: show logos of clients you’ve worked with or spots you’ve been featured. You can put awards you’ve won or certifications here as well.
- Blogging and content creation: give them WINS on your website before they reach out to you.
- Freebies and downloads
That’s it! I hope you have enjoyed this tactical post all about the best strategies for your website and communicating to dream clients that they should work with you over competitors! I would love to know what you think and what questions you have. DM me on Instagram or sent me an email and let’s chat hello@elizabethmccravy.com!
Episodes Mentioned:
Episode #20 | Is It Ok To Edit My Client’s Testimonials? The Answer Might Surprise You!
Episode #22 | Top Strategies To Effectively Use Testimonials On Your Website And Marketing
Links Mentioned:
Listen to the Breakthrough Brand Podcast
Connect with Elizabeth on Instagram