Do your potential clients know what life looks like AFTER they say yes to working with you? In your business, you might have a plan to combat buyer’s remorse or ensure a great client experience, but, are you doing anything to combat the reluctance someone might have to purchase? This episode was inspired by a conversation I had with my husband Adam that got my brain spinning with ways that you guys can increase certainty and speed up the sales process with your clients and customers.
In this episode, we’re talking about 5 ways to increase certainty in your customer’s minds around your offer. If you often have customers who are interested in your service or product, but they just can’t bring themselves to finally buy, they might need MORE proof of what’s on the other side. I believe that the tactics I’m sharing here will help speed up the customer journey, and, ultimately lead you to way more YESES!
These tactics could LITERALLY change your business for the better, and these are some of my favorite tips I’ve shared on this podcast yet. Get out your notebook, you’ll want to take notes for this one!
Search for episode 72!
In your business, you might have ways to combat buyer’s remorse or ensure a great client experience, but, are you doing anything to combat the reluctance someone might have to purchase because they need a clear vision for what happens NEXT?
By giving people a clear visual for what they GET or what is on the other side of the purchase, they are more likely to say YES to buying. The visual reduces uncertainty.
Typically the buying process goes like awareness, consideration, then purchase. These tips are for speaking to people who are in the consideration stage. If you have customers who are interested in your service or product, but they just can’t bring themselves to actually BUY. They might need MORE proof of what’s on the other side before they take action.
Figuring out ways SHOW a potential customer what’s on the other side of purchasing will help eliminate some wait time and speed up the customer journey, leading you to way more YESES!
Before you think it’s simple to sell certainty and that you’re already doing this, I want you to consider that you might not be. This is not something service businesses tend to naturally think about! But, I’m here to help you think this through and give examples.

PREVIEW of 3 ways you can sell certainty around your offer:
The concept of a free trial is that you get to try before you buy, Usually with no commitment of a credit card. You get to use the software, the product whatever it is, and then after seeing what it’s like on the other side of the cart page, you can decide if you want it or not.
Free Trials are the ultimate example of a good way to sell certainty to potential clients because it shows you EXACTLY what it’s like on the other side of your purchase. There is no question about what you’re getting when you buy.
Free trials probably won’t make sense for most of us in the service industry and can be a little tricky if you are selling digital-based products. But here are two ways I think you can make this model work:
- If you are looking for retainer clients, can you offer your services free for 1 month and then they can terminate the contract if they aren’t happy with it. If they are happy, they can keep you on at your proposed rate.
- If you’re a course creator, could you do the first module or video of your course free as an opt-in so people can see what it’s like?
Tune in-to the full episode to hear more examples of how this has worked for me! I really want to encourage you to think about your business and your offers and brainstorm if this is something you could fit into your business to make more sales.

Can you show a video of EXACTLY what your customers are getting? I love this one and I do this in my business! I have done this for my Showit Blueprint Course and the Compelling Copy Blueprint. Both are online courses that come with website template purchases.
If I just say “You get an online course with your purchase!” it wouldn’t be that exciting. If I just tell you that module names, that is probably not going to be very exciting either.
BUT when I log in to the course, show you around and talk through exactly what’s inside, you get a wonderfully clear picture of what the value is.
I also DO think you can do this with a service. It would likely be a little different though. Maybe more of a mix of you talking to the camera then also you showing on your screen some of what the process looks like. Behind the scenes, footage would be awesome too.
As a content creator, showing any of your process or content behind the scenes DOES put you at risk of getting copied. I have definitely had that happen. But, I still think it’s worth it to share with my potential customers exactly what they get!
Video may not feel right for you. That’s okay! Maybe a written out version of your process works better for your business. A blog post, a series of posts, or lookbook PDF might be a better fit. You brainstorm what fits you and your business the best, but the point is that it helps sell certainty when people can SEE or feel like they understand what happens after they purchase, clearly.
3. Satisfaction Guarantees
Talk about removing uncertainty! Right? This can look a number of ways. One can be a money-back offer. When you do this, you are putting the risk of buying on YOU and not the customer.
You’re saying “I really believe this product will work 100% - I’ve done my due diligence that it will. If it doesn’t - I’ll give your money back.” No risk on them.
I do refunds for my website templates. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. I have hardly any refunds still. I’ve only ever refunded 3 customers, and have had a refund policy the whole time I’ve had my template shop.
Sometimes people fear that if you offer refunds you’ll lose so much money. But, if that’s your fear I’d ask you “Do you really believe in your product?” “Do you believe it does what you’re promising?”
Often people don’t do refunds because they fear that their product doesn’t match their marketing and they don’t believe in their own stuff that much. Basically, as the seller, they are the uncertain ones. So, they keep the risk on the buyer.
Make a product you believe in and that works, and believe in it enough to offer refunds if it doesn’t work. You can sell certainty to your customers much easier when you put the risk on you.
Listen to the full episode to hear the other 2 tips! I hope that you’ll pick one of these areas and integrate it into your marketing strategy! If you do try some of these new strategies, tell me about them! Send me a message on Instagram or email me at I want to hear from you!