Let’s talk about how we make money! I have personally always LOVED these types of podcast episodes when I’ve heard them on other shows because we all love to know what other people are doing to find success right? What revenue streams make up a business? And, what additional streams make up PERSONAL income? So, I’m breaking it down for you today.
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First, we’re talking about the various ways my business makes money, and I’m even sharing some percentages of overall revenue in some of these ways! Plus, a few ideas for income streams I plan to add in the new year. Then, we’ll talk about my personal life, so outside of our actual work, 3 additional ways my husband and I bring in money to our personal lives. They might not be what you’re expecting — especially the 3rd way!
Be sure to tune in to this fun and quick episode to hear all of the business revenue streams I have going on right now as future ideas!